A Wonderful Life in Your Awareness of Righteousness- English book Review


A Wonderful Life in Your Awareness of Righteousness

A Wonderful Life in Your Awareness of Righteousness- English book Review

   You have heard the news; you have seen TV shows and YouTube videos of miracles happening today. No doubt you have seen a blind man see a paralyzed woman in a wheelchair. 

      What about a man who had just grown a new earlobe after hearing that ear for 54 years? Or did a woman with muscle sclerosis suddenly disappear or was a woman cured of asthma after more than 50 years? Do you believe that such things are still happening today?

  If you do, then it is very likely that your belief in miracles comes with a dubious side. That is, do not believe that it is possible for that television preacher to lay hands on the sick and get well, or for that famous faith healer and the big church to do supernatural things every week. Your faith, however, depends on you.

If someone asks you to come down to the church and lay your hands on the sick and heal them, a great panic can hold your body and unbelief will take over your mind, and this is the problem.

In the law-breaking book, "The Consciousness of Righteousness: How To Release the Power of God In You!" the author explains that the power of God and the supernatural touch of our Lord Jesus Christ are for all of us who are saved. When you're born again, you're a person like Him; you can do what Jesus did when He walked the earth, and you can do greater things than He did. The Bible makes this clear at John 14:12.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man believe in Me, he shall do the things that I do; --- John 14:12 (AMPC)

It does not depend on your self-esteem and does not mean that you have enough faith or that you do not have it. The supernatural is within your power. It is not in your faith to believe in a particular situation; it is about your present life, walking and living in the continual knowledge of God's righteousness.

Salvation involves more than the forgiveness of your sins. Jesus has changed places with you; not only take away your sin, but give you His righteousness! However, most of us think only and focus on the sin side of the equation because Jesus forgave us for our sins, so we need to avoid sin. This “knowledge of sin” is problematic. Instead of knowing about sin, we need to focus on and come to practice understanding righteousness.

The miracles above, by the way, are real. Mark lost his left ear at the age of six. The earlobe reappeared during a small Bible study.

Linda was diagnosed with asthma from birth, until she came to a small Bible study class. Now, for the first time in 52 years, and to the surprise of her doctors, Linda discarded the medication.

This miraculous event and much more happened, not in a church or in a television program worth millions of dollars, but in a small Bible study in the author's home.

Miraculous healers are not special people; they simply live in the knowledge of righteousness, just as you can live.

Joseph Edhuime of Joseph Edhuine Ministries is the author of the historical book, "The Consciousness of Righteousness: How To Release the Power of God within you"


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